Natural Bodycare Systems International, Inc.

Natural Bodycare Systems®


The man behind "Natural Bodycare Systems®"

In 1965, during medical training, part of my qualification as a Master ocean-going, I was first introduced to the phenomenon of body fat burning by hypothermia in shipwrecked, without foreseeing, to what use I would be able to put this knowledge in later life.

During a visit to the United States, my attention was once again drawn to this phenomenon, in a conversation with medial professionals. I was introduced to the fact, that this principle had already been applied successfully with women, in order to achieve a tightening of the dermis, combined with a local reduction of weight. At that moment in time I decided to acquaint myself with all available literature on this subject and continue its development. I had talks with doctors and medical professionals, having experience in the field of cosmetics and nutrition, and through the Federation of German Cosmetics Industry I endeavored to discover who was able to develop a product that fulfilled my requirements and demands.

The system was to rest on three pillars:

  1. Wrapping
  2. Treatment with creams
  3. Nutrition counseling

Individual consultation by experienced and well trained staff. In close co-operation with doctors and medical professionals of various fields, a medical questionnaire was developed, in order to provide the greatest efficiency and safety for persons wishing to undergo treatment.

During a two year field study we were able to prove the effectiveness of Natural Bodycare Systems® product treatments in several hundred participants. In at least 90% of all cases, the desired effects were achieved. Over the full period of field studies, doctors and medical professionals were constantly invited to lectures held on Natural Bodycare Systems® products, again confirming their effectiveness. We do not claim to have re-invented the wheel, but have developed a well-known medical phenomenon, into a practical and highly effective system. All product components were designed utilizing the latest scientific data, complying to stringent regulations and provisions, and clinical trials proved their effectiveness. Furthermore, all Natural Bodycare Systems® products have undergone and successfully passed restrictive safety tests.

What purposes can Natural Bodycare Systems® serve?

It can aid today's modern man to retain and/or improve health and the condition of the tissue (skin). An important factor in today's society are good looks and a well-groomed appearance.

Natural Bodycare Systems® offers a complete relaxation and beautification program. All products were designed in such a way, that, following intensive analysis of the skin-type in question, an individual treatment may be offered.

Natural Bodycare Systems® is in principle suitable for both female and male clients of all ages. In order to provide optimal support for the whole metabolism, either as a stand-alone treatment or as an adjunct to the wrapping-treatment, we have developed our own range of 5 ideally matched high-quality skin-care-products.

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